Tuesday, October 20, 2020
More than enough, my cup overflows
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Savoring the Holy Eucharist
Yesterday I was able to attend the 12 noon mass at St. Catherine's Catholic Church in Burlingame, CA. It has been a long time (7 months) for a daily mass due to the Covid restrictions. It was a beautiful mass led by our beloved Fr. John Ryan. Attending mass, being with with the "regular" 12 noon mass friends and receiving the Holy Eucharist is a great gift. My heart is still singing in this moment as I reflect on yesterday's mass. I lingered with the Holy Eucharist in my mouth like a passionate kiss from my lover. I savored with eyes closed the goodness of the Lord. We are blessed as Catholics/Christians to have the Holy Eucharist the embodiment of Christ Himself, given to us to feed us, heal us and remember Jesus. Do this in memory of me. What are we to remember that Jesus came to save, to serve, to forgive and to bring us life everlasting. What a gift to leave us...a way to be and to live. With every remembrance of Christ we are called to follow, to become the hands, feet, heart, words, eyes and ears that feed,care, hear the cries of humanity and serve the needs for one another. Receiving holy communion refreshes my commitment to following the way of the Lord. I savor the goodness of the Lord, knowing that the way of Christ is the way to great joy.What do you savor most in life? #givingwingstoyourdreams #holyeucharist #holycommunion #thewayofChrist
Monday, October 5, 2020
Review, Refresh and Restart Goals

Thursday, August 20, 2020
I wept today, enough to fill the ocean
I wept today. My mind is clearer now. Tears for the children alone and isolated because of neglect, Covid restrictions or other abuse. Tears for children who hold in their tears because they are told they are "too old to cry" or "embarrassed to cry" or "too tough to cry". Tears for those where the world's harshness as has locked the tears deep inside. Tears for suffering of those I love. Tears for the lonely living in convalescent and assisted living facilities and hospitals that won't allow visitors or have no one to visit. Tears of of frustration from too much work, complicated working situations and constant technology challenges. Tears for those who have children who are sick and dying. Tears for our broken world. Tears for our country fighting within itself. Tears for our military personnel who stand with courage, live with disabilities and die alone. Tears for police, fire and healthcare teams who respond when we are most in need. Tears for our poor in need of food, shelter and clothing. Tears for those who struggle with diseases including mental illness and depression. Tears I don't even know the source. Tears of relief as my brother and nephew hugged me and encouraged me to cry it out. Tears of joy knowing that I am loved beyond measure by family, friends, my beloved husband and my God. I wept today, enough to fill the ocean. #healing #tears #wept #catharsis
Friday, August 14, 2020
Unfortunately, Fortunately
We took off on our bikes to go play basketball at the local school and unfortunately the school was back in session for a morning preschool program. Fortunately we had another option and rode to Pershing Park to play basketball and the hoops were blocked with wooden blocks so public could not use. Fortunately we had yet another option. We rode to St. Catherine's Catholic School and their basketball hoops were also "blocked." Fortunately the church was open so we went inside, and our eyes adjusted quickly from the sunlight to church lit only from stain glass. It was quiet, we sang an alleluia to hear our echo, we prayed an Our Father, lit candles (turned them on as this is the new safe way to light candles) and took some photos. Unfortunately I needed to return home to take an important call. Fortunately it was lunch time so Joe made us BBQ hot dogs and we ate outside. Unfortunately I ate too much. Fortunately the boys wanted to ride to Washington Park and keep me in shape and unfortunately those hoops were also blocked. Fortunately enough time had passed so we rode back to the original school and the basketball hoops were open. Finally we got to play basketball and tag and returned home for a yummy dinner made by Joe and Zachary. Unfortunately the boys go home tomorrow. Fortunately we will see them again soon. #pershingpark #Washingtonpark #fortunately #stcatherineofsiena
Friday, August 7, 2020
Reflecting on what is timeless.
On her modest family budget, Mom created many one pot meals including stews, soups and other recipes to feed her 9 children and husband. We always enjoyed a homemade dessert every night including browning, pies, and cookies. Our kitchen had enough space for cooking, baking and serving 3 meals a day at our regimented time: 6am breakfast, 11am lunch and 5:30pm dinner. In this 1600 square foot home we all had beds, closet space and room to play. We never needed more storage as we did not have that much stuff. Our one pot, maybe 2 served us well. We had bikes, roller-skates and of course Milton Bradley board games and cards. In our closet hung 1 school uniform, two white blouses/shirts, one blue uniform sweater and for the girls one pretty dress for Sunday mass and free dress day at Catholic school. Our dresser drawers held jammies and a short set. We always had something to wear, time for girl scouts, sports and a place at our table to eat family meals together. While mom did call herself taxi driver, her driving extended from home to school as our sports practices, music lessons and scouts were right after school ended and at the school yard/cafeteria and convent. Even with 9 children our lives were not complicated. She had time for us. Simplicity is timeless.
Kathy Murphy recycled before that word existed. She reduced water usage by watering plants with leftover dish and bath water. Kathy reused fabric for patching holes in pants and shirts. She made quilts and homemade potholders. Her children were able to walk to school and this gave her extra time to do things at home and for others. She and her husband led the marriage preparation classes for St. Catherine's of Siena Catholic Church and both volunteered for 30 plus years with St. Vincent de Paul. Service is timeless.
While I did not know Fr. Gerry's that well, his ways as a priest were wise and profound. Fr. Gerry often led the 12 noon daily mass where he would speak to us from the pulpit, asking a question and expecting a response. He had beautiful habit of waving to us all at the end of mass and the whole parish waved back. My husband Joe referred to him as our local Pope. He had a way of engaging in conversations as if you were the only one in the room and with a piercing gaze as if he knew your every thought. In a reflection on forgiveness, provided as part of his funeral mass, he wrote a process to forgive. No doubt from reading this pamphlet on forgiveness, his insights are grounded in theology, and his own experience as a human and as a priest. Forgiveness is timeless.
I began this blog thinking I would write about the past as in the 1920's, 1930's and 1940's and realize my past is a reflection on three people's gifts to me. Reflecting is timeless.
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Propagating Plants
Tuesday, August 4, 2020
Rosemary Herb

Monday, June 8, 2020
Holy communion
Sunday, May 31, 2020
Life and Death
Kathy Murphy, my San Mateo Mother, and mother to my best friends the Murphy children: Shelia, Toby, Martha, Moira, Tim and Barbara. My 20's were spent hanging with the Murphy children and their parents.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The night turns to day

Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Warmth of womb
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Zachary, musician, chef, friend and nephew
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Working from home
Monday, May 4, 2020
Bike Riding
Monday, April 27, 2020
Frisbee and Hide and Seek
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Can you feel the earth breathe
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
Aware of my own well being
Monday, April 20, 2020
Monday, April 13, 2020
Long Walk
Thursday, April 9, 2020
This poem is beautiful
Leanne O'Sullivan
A Poem in Gratitude for Health Care Workers
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Missing my cleaning lady
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
The Great Global Blessing of 2020
Time gone by, places far away and not understanding war and genocides, I am grateful that in 2020 our global communities and our local communities are in this together. We are not away from the suffering but part of the suffering. In this experience, for many of us, it is our first time being so close and part of something so grave. We are living with precaution, concern and the need to talk with children and friends sharing in our uncertainty. For the first time we read and hear about and know people personally who are directly impacted either in service and care or in the death of a loved one.
In this experience, for me, I have becoming more aware of the depth of suffering that many other local and global communities experience daily even now well beyond this pandemic. Those who are impacted from gang violence, civil wars, poverty, and domestic violence. These are horrible situations that go on every day in our lifetime. These are humanities sufferings that that most of us, will for me, I try to avoid contemplating for it hurts too much. So often I sheltered myself from the world's suffering, poverty, loss and worry. I shelter in place from all that goes on even in 2020.
Not this year. This year, 2020, I open my eyes, and ears and hear the cries of the poor and listen to those impacted by loss of jobs and friends.
This year of 2020 we become AWARE as a people together. We recognize the need for each other and connect more deeply in the real uncertainty of our time. I personally am grateful that we have a renewed compassion for the lonely, dying alone, the poor, those most in need of food and assistance, the sick, in need of medical care and ventilators, those on the fronts lines in our grocery store, restaurants, delivery services, healthcare and our government officials operating in crisis.
I truly believe that in the end of this crisis, we will have learned a new way to be: coming to gather as a global community to find a cure, working together at a more measured pace to see what needs to be done for all, serving one another with kindness and compassion, smiling at each with more presence, appreciating those who work in jobs that provides us the services we need and most of all connecting with our families and loved ones. Praying that our global communities and governments come together to create a new world in 2020 to be known as the year of The Great Global Blessing.
Friday, April 3, 2020
Hiding in plain sight
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Nurture goodness and abundance
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
My desert
Sunday, March 29, 2020
Lazarus, Jn 11: 1-14
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Uninvited Silence
Sr. Margaret Mayce, OP
Dominican Sisters International Confederation