Wednesday, February 5, 2020

3200 Bottles of Wine

“3200 bottles of wine in the cellar,” a statement made by a friend referring to another friend’s wine cellar and as a magic number for the right amount of wine to have. It was statement made as an indication of success.  Success measured in so many ways and this was first for me to hear that by having 3200 bottle of wine one has achieved some status of success.  To each their own. I might not have ever looked at this way before. Previously I might have suspected greed or arrogance or something in a context perceived more negative around this sort of statement. However, as I begin to really understand myself, while that “3200 bottles wine of wine in the cellar” does not reflect my success, it does to the person who has them and perhaps to others who enjoy wine or filling their wine cellar.  Success for me is the ability to be non judgmental about what success is to another.  In the process of reflecting on this insight, I feel successful and now I let go of that feeling and breathe in this moment where my success is no longer a measurement for me except to just be.  Hmmmm.

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