Wednesday, August 25, 2021

The pace of Daisy

 The pace of Daisy allows me to stop, smell the roses and to enjoy a slower pace as I walk. As a result of walking Daisy, my brother's beautiful dog I met Olive and her mother Jenny and their new puppy Biscuit, I met Jim and his little dog Joey and several others as I walked at Daisy's pace.  My life is usually made of me rushing from event to event, meeting to meeting, pose to pose (yoga) and not really fully being present to any of it. With Daisy, she slows me me down, she allows me to be in each moment, each prayer and I feel happier with every step with Daisy. I am able to have good confession with God, to ask, to seek and to find resolutions to my questions and struggles. Towards the end of my gradual, slow pace with Daisy, the song in my heart sings to me, "Let us build a city to God, may our tears be turned into laughter, for the Lord, our Light and our Love has turned the night into day!"  This song by Dan Schutte is how God spoke to me today. Thank you Daisy, your pace is just right. #danschutte #slowerpace #walking #dogs

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Give me a shout

 "Give me a shout," an expression by my nephews' Uncle Mark when he wants them to call him.  During my prayers this morning, I was reflecting on how my beloved God often whispers to me sweetness, ideas and wisdom. Joe and I  have been helping my brother JP with his three boys. We are the guardians when JP is flying for Southwest. I think these boys are pretty perfect little beings, however, on occasion, the perfections get tarnished a bit and they need guidance, advice maybe correction with ways of being that are not so perfect. Alas, this morning while I poured my coffee and wanted to chat with one of  these perfect little boys, he was irritated that I should interrupt him to ask him to remove his earphones and turn off the video to check in with me about the schedule for the day. In his irritation, my feelings got hurt, I walked away, shed a tear and then ....God shouted....."go back" and "ask again." When I went back to the kitchen, I did ask again and to my delight, my nephew set his earphones aside, turned off the video (ipad) and came and sat with me at the breakfast table. Sometimes God gives us a shout, THANK YOU GOD!!!  

Thursday, August 19, 2021


Pam is a lady who walks her dog Rocky and always stops to chat and check on JP and boys. Richard is a neighbor who rides his motorized bicycle he built himself and waves as he passes by. Robert lives next door and always smiles as we come and go from our homes. Joe and I come each week to Fresno to be with JP's boys. School has started and so it is more quiet as they are back in the classroom. Joe takes care of shopping, cooking, driving and repairing. I do laundry, zoom calls and continue to work full time for PwC and walk the dog, Daily.  As our "nanny/manny McPhee life" as we call our roles/life has evolved, we are becoming more and more a part of the community here and I am getting to know our neighbors.  I find that my joy is expanded as I come to see and know people in the neighborhood. Neighbors have always been an important part of what brings me joy. Knowing the people you live near, next door to and on your walks creates in me a feeling of belonging.  I am grateful for these neighbors. 

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Fresh Flowers

 Our world is suffering in every way, shape and form. From climate changes causing horrific fires, floods, droughts and death, world threats, the continuing pandemic and all its variants including humans taking risks impacting themselves and others, earthquakes and all matters of mother nature being herself amidst living with a human species that is defiant.  Experiencing daily life has its own challenges unique to each person and independant and sometimes dependent on differences of opinions. Amidst all this and all my worries, my brother's housekeeper came and beautiful his home/our home. Her presence a gift, just her being her lifted on my spirit and inspired me to go out and buy fresh flowers.  Save Mart had a special so I bought 4 bunches and came home and cut and arranged them into whatever pretty little vases/mugs I could find. I then placed them around JP's home in the dining area, living are and bathrooms for all to enjoy.  Fresh flowers so simple, so pretty, so healing and well a little splurge to enjoy. #Save Mart, #freshflowers, #inspiration #c&glifecoaching

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

The Earthworm

 Earthworms help the soil heal. Today while on my walk with Daisy, my brother's dog, I saw an earthworm on the sidewalk about 2 feet from soil and 1 foot from the curb. I could not stop thinking that I should help that earthworm find its way back home to the soil. I kept walking and thinking I should help that earthworm. Then I thought I always pray what I can do for our world and so there was a small twig on the ground on that same sidewalk. I picked it up and I turned around and I went back to the earthworm that I had found, and I let it wrap itself around the twig and placed it on the soil....back home in the soil. So happy my prayers were answered,  take care of the world in front of you. As I walked happily back home, I realized that in addition to the earthworm's safe return, the sidewalk needed tidying up from the litter others had left. I gathered trash/litter in Daisy's unused poop bag and made my way home. The world is in turmoil: climate issues, Haiti's tragedy, Taliban concerns, pandemic variants, racism, and so much more beyond my knowing. What I do know is that the difference I can make is my attitude, my care and my love for the world right here in front of me. The earthworm called me into action. THANK YOU little earthworm because of you, the soil is richer, our street is cleaner, my heart is happier and I am feeling grateful.

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Slow Down

 Slow down is my on going mantra and it is especially resonating this morning.  I was out driving my nephew to his school orientation and it seemed as though my cautious slow driving resulted in everyone passing me and tailgating. Alas I just went about my pace knowing we ample time.  As I drove back alone after dropping off Nathaniel I was just reflecting on why we are all in such a hurry.  Is it that we are trying to squeeze in too much and at what expense: health, stress, car accidents and missing the little moments of peace.  For me, today, I will continue practice to slow down and perhaps recognize in the little moments, the peace I seek. #slowdown #theblueheron #littlemoments #peace

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Listening to the Inner Voice

 Yesterday my inner voice guided me to do a very gentle yoga practice often called restorative. Indeed it was restorative. I had a stressful day yesterday as I returned to work following a wonderful vacation in Arkansas.  My work day had too many emails, too many meetings and too much "grind."  I am using "grind" as it just felt like that yesterday. My inner voice reminds me two things: 1. be ok in this moment and 2. this too shall pass. My inner voice yesterday and on Sunday softly said "Fear Not" and "Do Not Fret."  As a result of my listening to the Inner Voice, I began to review poses for a restorative yoga practice and also did a meditation and then culminated the evening with leading the restorative practice. The more I pause and listen to the inner voice, the more I discover that I am being led to the peace that God wants for me.  I also am discovering that I can step away from the worry and fear and just be in the divine peace.  I am grateful hearing the whispers of the Divine that have become a soft gentle sweet voice that beckons me with wisdom to care for mySELF so that I might become the peace that I long for and that my little world needs.

Monday, August 9, 2021

Daily Rituals

 Today I begin again, like every day, with good intentions for health and overall well being. So far a walk with Daisy, a meditation with Deepak Chopra and drinking a full glass of water. As I near the age 60 and I am committing myself to better health and care for mind, body and soul.  The best way for me is to create daily rituals that inspire my aspirations for well being.  I have just returned from a wonderful family vacation that was filled with fun, swimming, games, museums trips, eating, walking, fishing, cooking, creating art, gardening and so much more. As I reflect back upon the week, each day started with "coffee confab" with dad, Bridget, Katie and others brothers and sisters who came over to dad's to join us. That is the ritual that began when we all started drinking coffee as young adults and now well into our 50's and 60's we find time to relax, chat and laugh while sipping dad's great coffee. Our next ritual was to plan the day's events so that the vacation for the kids (our nephews and nieces) would be fun and organized.  The days raced by and yet there were moments when one could putz in garden, stroll to pool, sit on the grass and just be.....I long for the time to just be.  I am now back to work and fully engaged in getting to emails, organizing my calendar and realizing, I can make time to be, I just need to schedule:)  For now, my ritual in the mornings will include walking Miss Daisy, meditating with Deepak and drinking water so that I can engage fully in my career. #balancedlife, #dailyrituals, #peace