Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Fresh Flowers

 Our world is suffering in every way, shape and form. From climate changes causing horrific fires, floods, droughts and death, world threats, the continuing pandemic and all its variants including humans taking risks impacting themselves and others, earthquakes and all matters of mother nature being herself amidst living with a human species that is defiant.  Experiencing daily life has its own challenges unique to each person and independant and sometimes dependent on differences of opinions. Amidst all this and all my worries, my brother's housekeeper came and beautiful his home/our home. Her presence a gift, just her being her lifted on my spirit and inspired me to go out and buy fresh flowers.  Save Mart had a special so I bought 4 bunches and came home and cut and arranged them into whatever pretty little vases/mugs I could find. I then placed them around JP's home in the dining area, living are and bathrooms for all to enjoy.  Fresh flowers so simple, so pretty, so healing and well a little splurge to enjoy. #Save Mart, #freshflowers, #inspiration #c&glifecoaching

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