Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Missing my cleaning lady

As the weeks go by and we continue to shelter in place, I have to do some basic cleaning I have not done in a while.  Early this morning I cleaned the bathtub.  We usually have Marina's house cleaning service clean our home. This is a luxury that I have always enjoyed since I began my career. My mother suggested that I do it for myself a long time ago.  What I enjoy most about the cleaning service is not only how beautiful and clean our cottage looks, I also have time to do the more decorating activities I love. I love to pick flowers from our yard and place in vases,  and love to rearrange often photos, books and knick knacks ..."paddywacks" as Jim, our friend refers to all my trinkets. Today I discovered that I have forgotten how hard it is to lean over a tub and clean it. Today I pray for and appreciate my cleaning ladies Marina and Candy who provide a service that brings joy to my heart, sparkle to my home and ease to back.  THANK YOU Marina and Candy. I miss you during this time of shelter in place.

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