Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Aware of my own well being

Sometimes through my volunteer work for the St. Vincent De Paul Society, I am overwhelmed by the increasing need here in our San Mateo and Burlingame neighborhoods. Today is one such day as I have already received 2-3 calls from the same lady who needs a "$10 spot."  Another lady who called and needs help filling out an online application for a second job she needs to make ends meet. She neither reads nor writes and the only way to get a job is to complete an online application. You must know she also does not know how to use nor own a computer.  Then just when I am up to my eyeballs in my own career, feeling the pressure of the great needs of those around me and worried about the ongoing pandemic and economic crisis, a sudden awareness of my own well being inspires my heart and give me the stamina to do what I can for another day.  I am sure my sudden awareness, was a little tap on the heart from my beloved God who sometime whispers but today God touched my heart.

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