Monday, May 4, 2020

Bike Riding

The sun was shining brightly this past weekend inspiring a bike ride. Joe got the bikes out, pumped up the tires, dusted the pollens off the seats and off we went. We had no plans of where to go, so we chose to just roam the neighborhood. We took a road that led to an uphill climb, and then left turn to go back down to even ground. We felt the sunshine on our faces, we passed people walking, others riding bikes and humanity filled with joy. What is humanity filled with joy look like? For me, it is smiling families walking, riding bikes and being together. It is nature's abundance springing and  showing off in all her glory. It is roaming the neighborhood on streets we never knew and seeing front yards filled with beauty. It is seeing children and parents creating chalk art for us to see. It is stopping on our bikes to smell the roses. It is playing hopscotch and jumping alphabet blocks drawn with instructions to hop each block on one foot. It is no schedule, no destination, it is fresh air on our face, sunshine in the sky and a bike to ride. I have never been unhappy on a bike ride, maybe this is the cure we all need.

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