Monday, December 14, 2009

Let life become a prayer

Often throughout my life, my prayers would be "please God help them", or "God help me", or asking God to help someone in need. I even recall as a child praying to pass my school tests and never really studying. I just thought God would grant the request. This is a simple example of my hopeful prayer life. Hoping God would answer all my requests. My sister Anastasia used to have a little wooden plaque hung on her bedroom wall that read: "pray to God but row towards shore". Rewritten for me, I guess it would have read: pray to God, but open the text book and study. Truly that plaque was the beginning of the understanding of what we must do as prayerful people. We must act. As I have grown up and evolved in my understanding of pray requests, I am often moved into knowing what to do in order to have my prayers literally answered. For example, I recently saw a homeless man on the streets of SF and began my prayer "God help him have food", and then I realized that he needed food, so I bought him lunch. My request for God to help the man was answered through buying the lunch. This is only one instance, there have been other times where I began a prayer request and knew what to do. When one's life becomes the active prayer, you see and experience the miracle of God's love working. Not all of the active prayer is as easy as buying lunch, but as we practice the easy actions, the more challenging responses seem more possible. I continue to be hopeful in prayer and joyful in action as I let my life become a prayer.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Searching for the star

The season of advent is here, hooray. Advent is a time of preparation for Christ's arrival. I am deeply grateful for understanding and being called to follow the way of Christ. Jesus' way is simple: love thy neighbor, forgive as often as necessary and love God. Christmas season is a beautiful opportunity to practice loving neighbors, forgiving ourselves and those we have hurt and loving God. In this time of preparation, and silent nights, I search for the star that will guide me to those most in need so that I might bring the joy of Christ and God's love to all. I wish you all a holy advent and merry Christmas.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The trouble tree

In my front yard I have a most beautiful deadora "evergreen" tree that has deep roots, a large trunk and branches that reach to heaven. Some many years ago I had read an email that talked of a man that would touch a tree before he entered his house leaving his troubles on the tree. The tree in my front yard has become my trouble tree and when work gives me the blues, or I am upset about anything, I walk out to the tree, place my hands on it and let the tree absorb my troubles. I always feel better after touching the trouble tree. Some days I just touch the tree on my way to the car so that the day just starts on the peaceful note. I guess I imagine the trees deep roots can take my problems and bury them deeply. Something about that tree reminds me of God's forgiveness, just touching the tree is the way of God's love and compassion, God forgives each moment so quickly, God renews so tenderly and if only we just believe we are healed we are. Today I need to hug the tree.....

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Knowing what I value is my compass to freedom

In order to begin to free myself from the chains of prison: attachments as written about in my previous blog, I am becoming more aware of what I value. Some years ago I wrote a list of 50 things I valued including my faith, my family, my friends, gardening, quiet time, writing and decorating, and ultimately this list I developed over several months has become a compass for the choices I make in life. I choose to sit in quiet meditation as a way of deepening my faith, or taking trips to see family members so as to stay connected. I have even given up job promotions/opportunities that would prohibit my ability to have time for partaking of the things I value. As I continue to move from feeling stuck in my own prison of attachment, I am actually finding that as I focus on what I value I remove the shackles of my need for security and essentially free myself. The journey continues as it is easy to fall back into the trap of clinging to security and locking my own prison door. In reflecting on this blog, I am wondering if the 50 things I value might also be "attachments". This too I will ponder. For now, knowing what I value is my compass to freedom.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Breaking out of prison

On occasion I feel imprisoned by the need for security as defined for me as having a retirement account, healthcare program, a job, and essentially the outward signs of what people might call success. However, there has been a deep yearning within to let go and to live courageously on the edges of "security" into the unknown of possibility. It is as if this security rather than making me feel secure actually keeps me from living fully as I might define by travelling the US, walking in nature, listening to the stories of people, sewing quilts, opening my mind to something more than setting the next meeting, closing the next sale, saving the next dollar and worrying about the future. I keep working up courage in small ways to free myself from this prison I created. The first stage in my process of unlocking the prison bars is awareness to what my security attachments have been and then creating my vision of possibility. This blog will continue as I courageously step through my journey to freedom. Stay tuned.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Be gentle with yourself

Be gentle with yourself was wise advice given to me seven years ago from my colleague, David Cohen. In that moment I felt understood and connected with David and I felt forgiven by the universe. I had broken the heart of a man I deeply loved because of the uncertainty of what I wanted in life as it related to marriage and family. Now seven years later, I still cling to those wise words that David spoke whenever I feel overwhelmed by the world's needs let alone my own personal needs. I find that as I am gentle and loving with myself, I move more easily into the world with compassion, kindness and love to others in a more gifted way. This morning as I fold laundry, organize too much paper work and prepare for a day with my friend and her children, I recognize that God is guiding me to be especially gentle today. I listen with open heart and follow.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Tree leafs change color, fall away and stand silent

Tree leafs are changing color from green, to gold, coral to red and are beginning to fall gently to the ground. The blanket of fallen leafs nourish the soil while the tree stands silent and bare. Our lives are like trees full of color, and yet we experience an occasional fall season; pain, suffering and loneliness and letting go are like the body, mind, heart releasing the suffering like leafs falling. If only, like the tree we can stand naked and endure the silence, we will come to know the depth of growth and the joy of spring. I don't want to rush this autumn season. To stand fully present to the fallowness and stay with it so that in the silence I can know that God is working to prepare my soul for spring. I recognize as I write this, that in my deep faith, this gift of my faith, I can stand naked and silent for I know spring will come again. This is written for Joan and for all who experiencing a fallowness of heart.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


These past few weeks while I continue my walking regime and embrace balance as a way of life, I am feeling more grateful. I am not sure if this is due to the balance I am creating that enables more time and space to observe the goodness of life or that gratefulness is a manifestation of balance. It is indeed a gift that I am keenly feeling, enjoying and want to write about. It seems as I could list millions of things to be grateful: deepening faith, falling in love with Jesus over and over again, my family, friends, the smell of dew, blue sky, employment, health, and the list could continue forever. I am also grateful for this blog entry and for those who read it.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Slowing Down

I have made a commitment to slow down and enjoy more of the things I love. This is really an outcome of working too hard, attached to the ego of performance and finding that it really is not worth it. What is worth it to me is smelling roses, the fragrance of dew on an early morning walk, the sounds of birds singing and squirrels tapping on the tree branches as they play, the taste of the first cup of coffee, not gulping but sipping and savoring, calling my nieces and nephews to check in and hear about school, watering my flowers with the watering can, making a lovely meal and most of all just being in each moment without a rush to the next. Slowing down is the best gift.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Only Love

There is only love. It seems like a very long week and it is just Wednesday. As I look at my cluttered desk, knowing that there is much to do, completely overwhelmed, and practically paralyzed by the shear volume of commitments, I am suddenly inspired in my mind by a song that goes "....there is only love, love that heals, love that sets us free, there is only love....." In moments like this, the reminder that love does heal, and love is setting me free I let go of being overwhelmed, I release my tension and with new focus I am able to move into activity knowing all will get done and with love.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Celebrating Birthdays

Celebrating birthdays is a beautiful tradition of love and the passage of time. Moira's birthday party signified the end of summer for most of us last night. Kathy planned yesterday's early dinner to accommodate her grandchildren's' first day at school starting this morning. I looked forward all weekend to spending time with the Murphy's. The demands of life make it difficult to find time to be with the Murphy family. After a beautiful meal, Tim and Patty's daughter Emily, who will start second grade today, sat on my lap. Her very presence was a gift of pure love. School begins today in San Mateo County, playful summer ends and life goes by too fast. Thank you to the Murphy's for reminding me that despite all of the career pressure, the best part of life is just being present to children, the love of family and to the celebration of each other's life.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Kingdom Building

Choose today to build up people, our leaders and our families. With all of the negativity in the press and world chaos, now more than ever, let's lift up each other and build a kingdom of support, love, generosity, service and compassion. Over time I have learned that we can criticize and tear down very easily, however, I have also learned that with the same ease I can build people up with kind words, service and prayer. Kingdom building literally brings joy and a renewed energy and strength. Build up someone today and feel the energy flow heal yourself and our broken world.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Peace and Justice

Keeping the peace has been my way of life mostly out of fear of the consequence of speaking the "truth." During a recent conversation with my wise friend Traci, I discovered what I now understand justice to be. She indicated in my keeping peace, I may not be contributing to what is right and in the end what is right will provide the basis to bring peace to the situation. Without sharing the work story details of the situations we both face, what I found from our conversation was that I must learn to have courage to do the right thing, the fair thing, the just thing so that the real peace follows.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

No Metric System

No Metric System? What if we had no way to measure things? Think of the joy that would be. What if we could just accept a give and take of life, not balancing the scales of service, and or doing for each other because they did for you? What if we could just love without expecting anything back? Often there is a quid pro quo in life; you scratch my back I will scratch yours. How about we change that thinking to let me scratch your back with nothing expected and or needed in return. How lovely the world might become if we remove the metrics of life? No more determining if there is evenness to life, but filling people's cup of life to the full with service, love and kindness. Wishing you into loving just to love.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Lazy Saturday, well for me.

Finding catch up time is rare, alas today I find moments to do laundry, write in the blog and stroll to Burlingame Ave. Ah, I know what they mean by Lazy Saturday. Well for me this day gave me moments of time to just putz and move and have my being be. Wishing you all a Lazy Saturday even if it's tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Heaven's Back Gate

Heaven's back gate is wide open for all. God of mercy stands ready to welcome and to heal all. On my walk yesterday I was suddenly inspired that God had a back gate for all to enter. We often hear depictions of Peter at the pearly gates, saying yes or no. Many jokes and stories imply that some come in and some are turned away from this place called heaven. Today, on my walk, I had this beautiful realization/revelation that there is a back gate where all enter and none are turned away. When invited home or to my good friends' homes, I know to just enter through their back gate. My back gate is open and thank God heaven's is too.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Uplifting the World

Seems like the world needs a boost. Today a client and friend indicated her husband was laid off effective tomorrow. Later another colleague and friend indicated she had lost part of her hearing and several other sad things had occurred in her life. Lastly my brother asked our family to pray for a friend of his who, at age 46, had suffered a massive heart attack and was not doing well. In addition to these mentioned sufferings, it seems as people are struggling more than ever and even beyond the financial crisis that exists there is melancholy in the air. I decided during the last few days to find opportunities to provide a kind word, an open heart, and acts of service so that I might be able to uplift the world around me, if only a little. This blog, if read, has a request to you: today be more forgiving with yourself and others, be more generous with yourselves and others and do as many acts of kindness as possible. Maybe through these actions we can uplift the world.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Rocking the Universe

This morning's meditation went too fast. Thirty minutes mostly filled with silence of monkey mind as a spontaneous rocking created a beautiful peaceful nurturing connection to all. My mind rested as my body practically rocked me into a peaceful connection to the universe from heaven to earth all was one. As this occurred I was not able nor did I want this sensation to stop. It felt to me as a deep oneness with the universe, a universe that needed to be held in the arms of the Father/Mother GOD to calm the struggles of the heart, mind, body, the world's sufferings. Oh that we realize that God is waiting to rock us into peace. Today, now I have a peaceful presence and a oneness with all. I find that I want to hold the universe in my arms and rock her into the peace that is.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

After the Vacation

As I move into "real life," following a lovely week with my family, I find I am reflective on all we are as family. We are all good friends and enjoy and love each other. In the thick of "real life" I am missing the week together with the people I most love. I did my meditation this morning and while I try to sit in silence and just breathe my mind begins prayers of intention for each member to have peace, health and love. A deep gratitude fills my heart to over flowing and will sustain me for a long time after the vacation with my family. I feel a refreshment and renewal that brings a sense of commitment for the work and life that is. I am deeply blessed to be a part of our family and recognize that we are part of a greater family called the world.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Stop the Madness

Just returning from our family vacation in Fresno with my 31 family members, including 15 nieces and nephews, 4 brothers and 4 sisters, 4 spouses, 1 niece's husband and mom and dad. We had fun under the leadership of my amazing sister Bridget, who runs a camp like schedule including games and family trivia. We have been getting together for the past 5 years to celebrate JP and Jonna’s wedding, birthdays, baptisms, my parent’s 50th wedding anniversary and just being together as family in "communion." During our 5 or so days together we shared more joy than frustration, more freedom than control and more love than disappointment. There are times when-- with so many people together, much sun, and late nights--exhaustion and tension creep in. Matthew called it "stop the madness." I learned from the little ones how to “stop the madness,” they would say, “Aunt Gretchen, can we go to our room?” and there we would go to sit and rest, do yoga, watch TV and play Tropix on the computer. These little breaks where we "stopped the madness" enabled us to go back to the pool and to the others with a refreshed heart and renewed energy. Take time to stop the madness and go to your room where there is rest.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Nothing on my mind

Sometimes in writing whether it is in my beautiful yellow journal or my on-line blog I find a freeing of the mental gymnastics that goes on in my mind. As I write or type, as this case, my mind begins to let the thought go to paper so that the mind can make space for nothing. Can you imagine nothing on your mind, what a blessing that would be? I will say that I am finding that expressing what needs to be said, and with a thoughtful approach mostly in communication with others, there is a freedom. A freedom of allowing full honest expression to free my mind to be open to nothing. The alternative is to mull, analyze and in my case continue to worry about what others will say if I actually speak what's one my mind. Once said I have noticed that my mind can let go. Letting go of what is my mind onto paper (in this case cyberspace) creates space. I must end now as I have nothing on my mind, and I smile, notice my breathing and just am.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lifting the Veil

My mind has been working this blog entry for at least a month if not most of my adult life. I have touched upon this concept in many of my blog entries but have not developed the depth as the more I ponder it, the deeper the possibilities. Articulating a clear message and or thought seems impossible even now. "Lifting the veil to reveal the Divine SELF" is my journey.

Lifting my veil is harder for me than peering through others' veils. I find that I enjoy knowing the depth of people and longing to help people lift their own veils to reveal their divine SELF. I know that God exists within all and through all, and as I peer through people's veils I see God in all His and Her suffering and glory.

This concept of lifting the veil is not a new concept. St. Theresa of Avila writes about it in book entitled The Interior Castle. She describes getting to know God as a journey through many mansions. My usual way to describe the veil is like layers of crusts or armor on our bodies created for protection from suffering, from a need to control our surroundings and from our need to protect the heart from pain. As we grow from children, these crusts develop as a defense mechanism from the hurt and pain that is part of life and yet these layers hide the beauty that is SELF.

There is a saint called the hugging Saint. They need only come to tiny Amma — the endearing nickname for Mata Amritanandamayi ("Mother of immortal bliss"). This woman from India, in my view has been able to lift her veil and love and serve humanity. Her ability to "literally" touch and hug people into well being is perhaps possible because her Divine SELF is more manifest than her human self. She has been able to remove the crusts and lift her veil to heal and be present to humanity. In reality because she has freed herself from fear, anxiety and a need for control she is deeply rooted into her own humanness. Her self is one with SELF. Jesus is another example who lived with His veil always lifted, perhaps as He was One in being with God the protective veil never needed to be present nor perhaps created.

On our journey to become one with the will of God there is no longer need for any protective coverings. As we move into fullness of being we are able to live more frequently with our veil lifted. As I lift my veil on those rare and yet magnificent occasions, I have experienced peace, joy, healing and an opening of my heart that desires to bring that peace, joy and healing to others. This blog does not even touch the surface of the depth of this possibility. As I lift my veil, I am awakened and yet I run, I soften and yet I tense, I seek and find in quiet moments until I let the chaos of life lower my veil again and again. I persist even as I run away. Is it I or Thy that is awakened, softened, finding and persisting?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Walking into communion with God

I continue to walk almost daily and find the joy of the walk increases with every step. My walk typically begins with my mind identifying all my faults, failings and frustrations, and then walking these off in my attempt to let go. Then my mind move to the requests to God for friends and families to experience health, employment, peace, for the world that needs healing and for the poor that need the basics for survival. From there my mind wanders to gratitude for the birds I hear singing, the flowers I see and the fragrance always present but all unnoticed as my mind was weighted heavily. In the presence of now, I find a peaceful revelation that all is well. As I surrender to the beauty that surrounds me, my mind begins to rest, and my body feels alive. The best part of my walk is usually towards the end as what began in my mind ends in my awareness of the walking and my heart opening in communion with God.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Clarity Brings Energy

Seems as though for the past many months, perhaps even the past few years, I have had a sense of confusion and uncertainty about my life's path. While visiting my parents this last weekend with my sister Bridget and brother Chris, we were all inspired to walk and exercise prompted by parents diligence to their workout regime of walking and riding their stationary bike. My parents are in their 80's and in better fitness and mental health than me and in their vibrancy I became committed to my own physical and mental well being. Bridget and I did a rigorous walk/jog on Friday and Saturday and this morning I did my own forty minute uphill walk. In the process of my walk, I found clarity on many levels and renewed energy for life. I suddenly knew that I would commit myself to my work more fully and even created goals around my sales, financial planning and ultimately began to crystallize an idea for developing a long term charitable giving plan. The walk was invigorating however I believe that the energy was created more from the clarity of having a vision for my life. I used to write and successfully achieve yearly goals and somewhere in the past few years I did not create them as clearly as I once did. The message for my life was clear this morning, with a vision, a plan and goals, life is more fulfilling and energetic. As my walk up the hill was steeper the journey became easier. It was as if with every step my mind found amazing clarity and my energy increased. This inspiration also creates essence and energy my scratchy note today.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

My name is Julianna

Last Friday evening our St. Catherine's vocation committee had its annual "happy hour with our Lord" celebration. While cleaning up at the end of the event a little girl, approximately 7 or 8 years old was helping me. I asked her name and she responded Julianna and then asked mine. We continued to clean together for several minutes and I said thank you Juliann and she quickly responded, "my name is Julianna with an 'a' at the end". The next morning I could not help but ponder the authenticity of children who state so confidently their name, their needs and their love without hesitation. Julianna symbolizes for me why God calls us to be like little children. Her authentic self, reflected so powerfully when she reminded me "my name is Julianna." How often do people not remember names upon a meeting and handshake and suddenly the name of the person is forgotten in a moment and we are too fearful of the embarrassment that our memory is that short or that we were not truly listening.

While sharing this story with Amy, my sister's partner in life, she reflected upon the funeral of her neighbor Lee. Lee's granddaughter, a little child age 8, stood up to share a story about her grandpa. The little grandchild did not really know Lee due to some estrangement in the family; however she had received a toy that Lee made for her when she was younger. She said grandpa made me a toy that I treasure for it reminds of him even though I did not know him. This child, like Julianna spoke without judgment or fear. Even Amy admitted she wanted to say something but the fear of public speaking overcame her and she was not able to get up and speak.

Children don't have that fear that occurs as we become young adults and adults. One day we grow beyond the authentic youth of being like little children, "fearless", where we call it as it is with no judgment. We become fear based adults who protect the self. I am sure that there is more depth than I can articulate in this fearless child's statement of SELF; however I will use it as a reminder to fear not as I fondly recall her statement, "my name is Julianna"!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Good friends water the soul and bring to heaven to earth

As I walked the other morning and observed Burlingame's big beautiful trees, I fondly reflected on my past weekend with my girlfriends. As rain and sprinklers provide water for tree growth, good friend are the refreshing water for my soul. This past weekend I was completely refreshed while moving through the most varied and fulfilling times with my lady friends. My yoga students on Saturday morning, all women who come together to practice yoga, bring a deep connection that permeates the large gym and brings calm to whatever may cause us to sway in life. Then Margaret, my former yoga teacher, a woman of wisdom and health treated me to lunch and nourished not only my body but my soul. I came home from both yoga and time with Margaret rejuvenated and was able to garden with ease and joy the rest of the afternoon. In the evening a group of 12 women friends celebrated with Jodi her bachelorette party at Tony and Tina's wedding, an active play where we play invited guests at the reception. Jodi's joy was all of our joy. Sunday came and Joan invited Diane and me to a Pacifica park. The sun shone as bright as can be and we did a meditation on Joan's picnic blankett where the senses were replenished from natures symphonious song including birds singing, the breeze stirring, bugs buzzing and nature fully alive in its glory surrounding us. The day was completed when Diane suggested we do the "eye of the tiger" workout which was a total cardio regime, ending with a gentle yoga practice. The weekend was filled with good friends who watered the roots of my soul, grounding me more deeply into the joy of ordinary life while allowing my soul to climb to the heavens as do the big beautiful trees in Burlingame.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Detachment, so elusive yet leads to true freedom

So many thoughts ideas and ponderings - are these attachments. Writing is an attachment or is it not the writing but the desire for someone to read and comment - oh that too an attachment. Recently my colleague David, in frustration with the volume of work and the desire to take a long break from it all said "why do we do it?" I know why I do, I am attached to the pride of success, the greed of commissions, the fear of losing the job, the need to be liked, my list could on and on to all my attachments. I stepped back after I said that thinking that was it, amazed by the revelation even to myself of how attached I am to feelings let alone the attachment to the material stuff of life: photos, artifacts, trinkets, books, and so many other little goodies I hold dear in this attached state of being. Even my physical body: attachment to being thin, in shape and better fitness, probably not all that bad to desire health. Joe and I often discuss my need to keep my refrigerator purged, cupboards practically bare, this attachment to something around control, I don't even get this attachment? In many of my spiritual readings they discuss detachment as a way to true freedom. I believe this. I long this and for today I will practice abundance, and know that all I need is within and found in bringing a generous heart to all and hope to experience freedom - oh no is that an attachment to an outcome?

Monday, March 23, 2009


When life seems overwhelming I begin to purge. This includes paper, old files, anything I can find in closets that just needs to go; clothing, containers, old stuff, and sometimes new stuff. Our neighbor whose husband is dying of cancer and is not expected to live much longer is purging her garage, her home and her fridge even as her husband gently rests. Purging is our way of letting go of the stuff of life. Mostly the stuff of life is not material goods found in closets, garages, files and refrigerators, but the mental tensions, frustrations, sorrows, worries, and emotional baggage carried for months and often a lifetime. Letting go of things prepares to let go of the heavier weights of the mind and heart. I reflect on my own purging of things and it is usually when I am sad or worried and in the letting go, the act of getting rid of rid, my mind eases and I can usually find rest in my mind. As our friend Ruth purges her refrigerator and garage, I am aware that her impulsive need to purge things will make space in her heart for all of the goodness and love she and her beloved Lee have known. In the end it is not the material that remains it is a heart filled with loving memories and mind filled with peace.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Living Waters

Father Ryan our priest gave a beautiful homily on the gospel story of the woman at the well who both drinks of the living water of Jesus and, as Fr. Ryan stated, becomes the living well for others. The living waters are present always and I am deeply aware of the living waters in our family who are enjoying good health even as our father arrived at the hospital this past Thursday night having difficulty breathing and found he needed a new pacemaker which was put in on Friday and back home Saturday. Living waters, as Fr. Ryan indicated, are possible for all us to be for one another through saying kind words, forgiving and loving all. So much metaphor to living waters where life in the sea, rivers, ponds can be filled with magnificent beauty. Being a former scuba diver, the ocean, filled with life and underwater noise is minimal, weightlessness creates a lightness of being and sea life abundant, living waters feel free and beautiful. Lightness of being on land is possible when one knows in their heart the living waters that are within. Sometimes the living waters overflow so much that I feel as though I am floating. Now is one of those times.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Soften my heart

Harden not your heart so that you may hear God's wisdom. Last night I was frustrated over the world's financial collapse and the personal turmoil for those directly impacted and for all. However I knew that it is not in frustration that things improve but with thoughtful action. My action was first to teach yoga for my friend James who had another commitment. In arriving at yoga, a dear friend and student had indicated her husband had been out of work for more then 9 months and in her sharing came tears. She composed herself. I wish I told her to just let the tears fall. The yoga practice was rigorous and yet healing. Sometimes in the movement of the body we can eliminate some stress and frustration to the mind and heart. This morning I knew that meditation was necessary to allow my heart to soften and to listen in the silence for wisdom from my God. In the softening of my heart, I became open to generosity and to a creative response of offering a free yoga class to anyone who wants to attend. If they choose to make a donation, I will offer it to St. Vincent de Paul to further their ability to offer generous service for our poor. Soften your heart today and see what opens in possibility.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I am finding lately that I have become prayerful. I have always prayed here and there, a rosary, requests for people's health and well being, and prayers of gratitude. Lately though I am realizing that when I have done what I can do and am not sure what else to do, I just pray. "What is prayer?" I asked my friend Pete this question some 7 years ago and he said prayer is an intention for something. In the intention the actions follow. His clear concise explanation and the belief behind his explanation has been a deep blessing and have enhanced my prayer life. Prayer comes in many forms including the ones we learn as children, saying a rosary is like a mantra and with it comes peace often falling into a restful nap. The Our Father, one all Christians learn, and taught from Jesus, the Son of God. When one really says and listens to the words and lives the words in the Our Father, life changes. "Our Father, who art in heaven hallowed be thy name", (where is heaven) heaven is found everywhere, "thy kingdom come", the kingdom comes when God's will is done on earth as in heaven (what is God's will), it is to love, it is to forgive, "Give us this day our daily bread" (what is the bread) it is peace, joy, kindness, gratitude, sharing, caring, and many other acts we do or have done for us, "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive others" - no question here, "and lead us not into temptation" (what are your temptations), mine include gluttony, busyness, sloth, anger, the usual, "but deliver us from evil" what are the evils - hurting others tops the list through slander, gossip, criticisms other things I can't think of now, but you have your own lists of evils. When we engage in deep understanding and living the Our Father, we begin a prayer life. Beyond this prayer, is another level of prayer and that is living the gospel message through action. For example when we pray for the poor to have better lives, what can we do to enable that e.g., give money, make visits, stop to chat with the homeless on the streets. When we pray for the sick, are we then inspired to go visit friends or those unknown alone in the hospitals? Prayer life is demanding of action. Living a prayerful life includes silence so that one can hear the prayerful intentions of others and move to action.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Begin To Create Inspiration

Occasionally writing my blog is more difficult. Today is one of those days. I have many ideas but nothing concrete enough to formulate a cohesive blog entry. So today I just open the blog entry and begin writing what comes to mind and this is it. I am using my stream of consciousness to find inspiration to write by just beginning somewhere. How important is just to begin a powerful lesson for a fulfilled life. We can wait around for ever for the right time, place, environmental conditions, ambiance, and the inspiration we require and never get anything done. Or we can just begin, in this case writing a blog. Over the weekend to begin painting my bedroom green, my friend Melinda just put paint on various sections of the wall and inspired by the unfinished look, we took the brushes and rollers and finished the job much to my deep delight. So begin and see what happens. My bedroom is painted, my blog is written and now I am inspired to have a productive day.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

The love of family

In writing this morning I have a deep desire to focus on the emails that went to and fro the internet yesterday from my brothers and sisters and their spouses in support of our sister Bridget. I felt a deep comfort especially yesterday knowing that no matter how hard work or life's disappointments can be surrounding oneself with family and friends can heal. Bridget had shared in an email that she had spoken words in a meeting she deeply regretted and felt terrible about and in the response of each member, there was support in the form of humor, and in the another email from our Sr. sister she encouraged Bridget with a spiritual reflection and many others were simple responses of love and encouragement. Our sister in law Jonna told Bridget that her nephews adored her and that a new nephew to be, announced in her email would also come to love Bridget. The power of the internet to spread love and encouragement so quickly really has enabled our family to remain close even though some of us live far apart. I ponder and know that love conquers all and I saw that happen yesterday. When you feel loved nothing else matters. AMEN.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Walking the Labyrinth

This past Sunday several friends and I walked the Mercy Sisters Labyrinth. A Labyrinth is a winding pathway toward a central place of discovery. One of the beauties of the labyrinth is that it combines meditation with exercise and I find it to be a quick way to relieve stress. As I reflect back to that walk on Sunday, I note three observations: 1. the time with good friends in a silent walk created a bond deeper than that of our years of conversation, 2., recognizing during and particularly afterwards that we all had different needs that day and in our sharing it was clear that at times in our life when things are difficult being with friends is healing, and 3., the power of silence is a way to clarity. Clarity might not include the answer we want, however it generally creates acceptance to what it is. I must walk the labyrinth again soon.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


The term epiphany means "to show" or "to make known" or even "to reveal." It was the wise men who revealed the baby Jesus to be Christ the King. Today is a special day for all us to remember that Christmas is a time of great joy for we have Christ born on earth, becoming man and showing us the way to live a new life. A life of love, forgiveness, compassion and "new testament" living. New Testament living to me was letting go of the "eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth" ways and moving towards our ability to "turn the other cheek", essentially to forgive. The ultimate Epiphany is recognizing Christ's coming was for our Salvation. In your Epiphany today, what must you forgive within yourself or another to bring God's salvation to your life and to make known the divinity of Emmanuel?