Monday, December 14, 2009

Let life become a prayer

Often throughout my life, my prayers would be "please God help them", or "God help me", or asking God to help someone in need. I even recall as a child praying to pass my school tests and never really studying. I just thought God would grant the request. This is a simple example of my hopeful prayer life. Hoping God would answer all my requests. My sister Anastasia used to have a little wooden plaque hung on her bedroom wall that read: "pray to God but row towards shore". Rewritten for me, I guess it would have read: pray to God, but open the text book and study. Truly that plaque was the beginning of the understanding of what we must do as prayerful people. We must act. As I have grown up and evolved in my understanding of pray requests, I am often moved into knowing what to do in order to have my prayers literally answered. For example, I recently saw a homeless man on the streets of SF and began my prayer "God help him have food", and then I realized that he needed food, so I bought him lunch. My request for God to help the man was answered through buying the lunch. This is only one instance, there have been other times where I began a prayer request and knew what to do. When one's life becomes the active prayer, you see and experience the miracle of God's love working. Not all of the active prayer is as easy as buying lunch, but as we practice the easy actions, the more challenging responses seem more possible. I continue to be hopeful in prayer and joyful in action as I let my life become a prayer.


Thinker said...

It's a pleasure to visit your blog. Very nice effort. Keep it up.

Joan T. said...

Lovely thought, we don't always think this way do we? In this hectic shopping season, I try to have patience.