Last Friday evening our St. Catherine's vocation committee had its annual "happy hour with our Lord" celebration. While cleaning up at the end of the event a little girl, approximately 7 or 8 years old was helping me. I asked her name and she responded Julianna and then asked mine. We continued to clean together for several minutes and I said thank you Juliann and she quickly responded, "my name is Julianna with an 'a' at the end". The next morning I could not help but ponder the authenticity of children who state so confidently their name, their needs and their love without hesitation. Julianna symbolizes for me why God calls us to be like little children. Her authentic self, reflected so powerfully when she reminded me "my name is Julianna." How often do people not remember names upon a meeting and handshake and suddenly the name of the person is forgotten in a moment and we are too fearful of the embarrassment that our memory is that short or that we were not truly listening.
While sharing this story with Amy, my sister's partner in life, she reflected upon the funeral of her neighbor Lee. Lee's granddaughter, a little child age 8, stood up to share a story about her grandpa. The little grandchild did not really know Lee due to some estrangement in the family; however she had received a toy that Lee made for her when she was younger. She said grandpa made me a toy that I treasure for it reminds of him even though I did not know him. This child, like Julianna spoke without judgment or fear. Even Amy admitted she wanted to say something but the fear of public speaking overcame her and she was not able to get up and speak.
Children don't have that fear that occurs as we become young adults and adults. One day we grow beyond the authentic youth of being like little children, "fearless", where we call it as it is with no judgment. We become fear based adults who protect the self. I am sure that there is more depth than I can articulate in this fearless child's statement of SELF; however I will use it as a reminder to fear not as I fondly recall her statement, "my name is Julianna"!
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