Friday, April 23, 2010

Weeding my mind

Several weeks ago while on my daily walk I noticed that my mental chatter was very negative, filled with criticism and frustrations. Suddenly I heard a bird's song that inspired alertness and being present to each step on my walk. In every step that followed I began to weed my mind of the negative thoughts. I just literally changed my thoughts first from what I needed to rid my mind of: criticisms of others, even as I write I did such a good weeding I can't remember what I all I weeded. My thoughts then changed to what reflecting on the many many good things in my life. What I do remember and still feel is that it worked. In weeding out the negative thoughts, I had space for mindfulness. Mindfulness enabled gratitude and a desire for kindness and joy. Peace followed right along and is still present. I will continue to do my periodic weeding as necessary and also water seeds of kindness, gentleness, compassion and service. I have noticed that I have had renewed energy for my St. Vincent de Paul case work and for important matters of my faith.

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