Sunday, February 24, 2008

The Woman at the Well

Today's gospel reading at mass was about the Samaritan woman who meets Jesus at the well and He offers her living water. Our priest did a beautiful reflection on this, one of my favorite gospels. As a devout follower of Jesus Christ, the woman at the well reminds me that Jesus called her to be one of the first to drink from his "living water", the well spring that dwells in our hearts to inspire hope, joy and life to the fullest. Jesus called her to be one of the first disciples. I joke among my friends that the Catholic Church is run by the "old boy network" and indeed it is. I am convinced that Jesus calls us all to lead our church community as men and women to bring the living water to all. Further, the priest eluded that in Jewish times men and women met at the well to meet a spouse - WOW. I never knew that and the symbolism for me a single woman in love with Jesus finds this whole meaning even more touching as I have sought God as my spouse and since that pursuit have found love in everyone I meet well pretty much. So today my blog offers you an image of the well, drink deeply, be inspired to be living water for yourself and for those who need your compassion, forgiveness, kindness, service and any act of love possible. P.S. I relish joy with James, my nephew, who placed 5th in a math contest yesterday.

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