It was the temptation Jesus overcame in the desert. Being tempted with bread and with power and yet Jesus said no to the tempter. Jesus knew that He could live without food and without power for He knew something greater. Becoming aware of what is actually possible during Lent, when more fully understood then becomes possible beyond the 40 days of Lent. It can become a way of life: overcoming temptations for something greater. To struggle courageously against temptation is one of the most meritorious acts we can perform; and once we have triumphed with God's grace, we can repeat it. As quoted from: Aristotle "I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is the victory over self."
Are we tempted to carry grudges our whole life as a justification for some wrongdoing done to us, or can we over come the temptation through forgiveness of ourselves and those that may have hurt us knowingly or unknowingly. Are we tempted by excess drinking, doing, living versus using moderation and temperance? Are we tempted to justify our lent through giving up meat only to have a juicy lobster tail on Friday.
Upon deep reflection during my Lenten journey, to overcome the temptation for sharing the juicy stories in the form of gossip will be what I practice giving up during this season of Lent. By doing it for 40 days, I hope that I become more thoughtful in my speech the other 325 days. Think of what you are tempted by most: pride, gluttony, greed, jealousy, anger, sloth or something only you can name? As you begin to discover what tempts you most, it is this that we should practice giving up to discover the real value of Lent comes when we overcome temptation and live more fully.
Sometimes it is easier to not eat meat then to deal with the real temptations that cause suffering for us and others. In the end as Sir Edmund Hillary states, "It is not the mountains that we conquer, but ourselves." When we overcome our self we find our SELF.
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