Today, as I was praying before the noon mass started, I pondered a phrase "All In One." All In One or AIO, as my nephew Conor calls it, is a term he was using to describe a computer that had everything, eg., monitor, keyboard, etc., essentially all in one. I loved this term so much I quickly adopted it for a yoga pose we do called Downward Dog. Downward Dog, also known as Adho Mukha Svanasana, is a foundational yoga posture. Downward Dog Pose tones the arms and legs, opens and strengthens the shoulders in flexion, lengthens the hamstrings and stretches the calves, and prepares the body for heating. Because it’s a combination of stretching, flexibility, balance, and strength, practicing Down Dog can help to balance and stretch your whole body, hence why I like to call it the All In One pose.
Back to praying today, I also considered my husband, Joe Romano, an All In One husband as he seems to love everyone, move with ease and grace to accomplish all my to do's and everyone else's to do's too and loves me and people so beautifully. The more I thought about this term All In One, I realized that the One to whom I was praying may also be called All In One. I smiled, looked to heaven, essentially glancing upward, and realized All In One was smiling too. Who is your All In One?
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