Sunday, September 5, 2010

I need you too

During my daily walk, I am usually engaged in an inner dialogue, perhaps better said a litany of requests to God for all the people who need help, healing, peace or other intention, including my own needs. Often I am so overwhelmed by the needs of my world that I will just start saying, "God, I need you, I need you, I need you". The other day, as I was experiencing the usual process which starts with the litany, then moments of deep gratitude for all that is and then moments of awareness of the birds singing, and the fragrance of the morning dew a sudden clear presence of being overcame me and I heard a voice in my heart say "I need you too." It was clear, thoughtful, not like my mind, more like a direct request from heaven, from my God who I constantly call upon in my need, saying to me "I need you too." I stopped so that even the noise from my steps would not conflict with hearing this beautiful voice, "I need you too." As I reflect on the depth of this notion of God speaking to me, I know that I can pray however I must also act. I was being called to serve, to make phone calls to those who have lost a loved one to check in and cheer them, to help lessen my colleague's workload, and to visit my friend who was recovering from hip surgery and walk with her. As I interpreted the request "I need you too," I was inspired to go out with heart, hands, ears and feet and meet some of the needs that I was in fact praying for. Oh, the world is still in great need, however, for that day and for today I will do what I can do for those in need.


Anonymous said...

You're such a nice person Gretchen! The world is more peaceful with you in it. Debby T.

Anonymous said...

You're such a nice person, Gretchen. The world is more peaceful with you in it. Debby T.