Monday, January 20, 2014

NFC Championship Renewing "Sportsmanlike behaviors"

My immediate reaction was rage as I watched the unsportsman like reaction of the Seahawk player during a television interview following Seattle’s win of the NFC Championship Game 2014. I wanted to write my blog saying how terrible it was and ashamed he should be and then I stopped and realized my unsportsmanlike reaction. No, I did not want to react in a similar angered fashion, I wanted to see through and have compassion for the player and teams. I wanted to bring forth an attitude that sees beyond into the heart. This morning, I practiced compassion for Richard Sherman. My message for today is to see within ourselves our own anger, not to judge but to love and for now to inspire sportsmanship, compassion and gratitude. Joe, my beloved husband commented this morning that in golf, the professionals present themselves in ways that are classy, model behavior we want for ourselves and children and cheer as the winners go by, if only we can do this in every sport and bring back the definition of what it is to be a sportsman, oh yes like Peyton Manning :)

1 comment:

Antesian said...

Way TO GO Gretchen, I agree that before judging we may need to look within our own self first.