Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Stepping into our full potential

“This is too much, I am overwhelmed, and I have to get out of here”. These are mental statements I have noticed that I have played in mind recently, mostly related to work matters that are extremely challenging.  On my much-needed walk yesterday, a new mantra entered my mind: “step into your full potential”. Even this morning it continues to be pervasive enough to write about for today’s blog. Step into your full potential is telling me to play big, elevate your game, and be all you can be and don’t let your mind stop you. Our mind is powerful; look at Dr. Viktor Frankl who survived the Auschwitz concentration camp.  He survived by choosing a positive attitude and turning his suffering into meaning.  Look at Mother Theresa’s ability to joyfully help and live with those in India dying on the streets of extreme poverty. These are just two examples of people who reached their full potential, how many others can you name.  Step into you full potential by embracing a positive mental attitude, accessing resources, learning new skills, taking action towards self-improvement. Stepping into your full potential enables you to reach higher levels of being and change your view of life: trading in desperation for triumph and more likely for most turning frustration into achievement. I need not to become a Mother Therese to find meaning in work and life. I must recognize the free will that starts in my mind to reach my full potential. My life is better as I focus on work and commitment, practice loving more deeply and change my mental chatter to “I can, I am able, and I rise to the occasion”.

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