Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Sources of healing

I was restless in the night and so I began to pray for each of the members of my family and community that I know is suffering in some way.  As I prayed for each person to heal and find peace, I realized my own sources of healing and peace. As my prayers turned into naming my blessings, I fell into a deep and restful sleep. I awoke this morning to become inspired to write about my own sources of healing so that you too can begin to think and practice your own sources of healing. My prayer life is healing in that it gives me a place to express my worries and intentions. My yoga practice is healing in that it enables me to move, stretch, strengthen, meditate and be with a community of peaceful warriors.  My St Vincent de Paul home visits to the poor allow me to appreciate the goodness and generosity of our parish and the hope it brings to those we serve.  When I participate in mass and sit with faithful followers of Jesus Christ and receive Christ in the body and blood, I find healing. My home is a source of healing as I keep it orderly and minimized primarily because the clutter of my mind is overwhelming enough.  Today, I shall do a yoga pose, visit the poor, and sit in the calm of my living room and express gratitude for this day of healing.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Rain, Rhubarb and Renewal

This morning I woke up with the blahs, overwhelmed with work, worn down with unending to do’s and a lack luster attitude. In a single instant, in the dark and quiet morning hour, with my bleak outlook, I heard the rain drops falling gently, lightly and my outlook changed. I ran to the door, turned on my outside light and watched the drops fall and my thoughts cleared, I am inspired, motivated and delighted with today. I popped an English muffin in the toaster, took out some of dad’s homemade rhubarb jam and savored the flavor, the moment and the cozy feeling of calm.  The mind’s power to overcome is only trumped by nature in her mighty and in her gentle ways to embrace, to awaken or to move us into action.  Nature has been hard on the Philippines and yet so many are inspired to move into action to help them rebuild and renew. Be mindful and allow mother and human nature to heal.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

A little wave made my day.

Yesterday morning as I was leaving my home to go to work, I heard a tap tap tap coming from the direction next door, I turned to look and there standing in the window was my little neighbor, age 5, ready for kindergarten, one hand on the window and the other hand waving to me with a big smile. I am sure that was God and her name is Rosie.  In my days filled with working, and doing and sometimes just surviving, recognizing these beautiful moments like Rosie waving are tremendous gifts that last the whole day. Even this morning I reflect on the beauty of Rosie’s face, her little green jacket and stance as she just smiled and waved from her window. There are no words to express the preciousness of that moment of connection between two human beings who love each other. Love heals all, thank you Rosie.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Stepping into our full potential

“This is too much, I am overwhelmed, and I have to get out of here”. These are mental statements I have noticed that I have played in mind recently, mostly related to work matters that are extremely challenging.  On my much-needed walk yesterday, a new mantra entered my mind: “step into your full potential”. Even this morning it continues to be pervasive enough to write about for today’s blog. Step into your full potential is telling me to play big, elevate your game, and be all you can be and don’t let your mind stop you. Our mind is powerful; look at Dr. Viktor Frankl who survived the Auschwitz concentration camp.  He survived by choosing a positive attitude and turning his suffering into meaning.  Look at Mother Theresa’s ability to joyfully help and live with those in India dying on the streets of extreme poverty. These are just two examples of people who reached their full potential, how many others can you name.  Step into you full potential by embracing a positive mental attitude, accessing resources, learning new skills, taking action towards self-improvement. Stepping into your full potential enables you to reach higher levels of being and change your view of life: trading in desperation for triumph and more likely for most turning frustration into achievement. I need not to become a Mother Therese to find meaning in work and life. I must recognize the free will that starts in my mind to reach my full potential. My life is better as I focus on work and commitment, practice loving more deeply and change my mental chatter to “I can, I am able, and I rise to the occasion”.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Memo 9: Find a penny pick it up and all lifelong you’ll learn to save.

The real quote, known by most is “find a penny, pick it up and all day long you’ll have good luck.”  I am not sure who coined, punned intended, this phrase, alas it brings to mind that a penny saved is a penny earned.  Mostly as I pondered my habitual way of finding pennies, and other coins and actually saving them either reflects my frugality or my interest in savings, probably both.  At a more rudimentary level, this concept of saving pennies is actually the essence of today’s financial coaching memo: developing the muscle of saving.  Saving and learning to save is like anything else you must practice doing it and it will become part of your way of being.  In my own family, I know that people toss aside pennies as meaningless and yet I know someone who saved every penny and other spare change from the time his daughter was born until she was 16 and bought her first car with the change that had been saved over her 16 years.  I know for myself, I frequently turn 5 pennies into the bank for a nickel so that I have the parking meter money. How often have you needed parking meter money and wished you had not tossed aside your odd change. I am sure many can attest to paying a parking ticket for not having change available. Pennies to parking money, pennies to cars, what can you turn your pennies into? Start saving your pennies and you will learn to start saving. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Memo 7: Simplify as a way to peace

As I reflect on Mahatma Gandhi’s quote and my mantra over the past several years, “live simply, so that others can simply live,” I appreciate the gift that living simply has become. I have a heart of gratitude for all that is, and I have become more aware of the great need that exists in our world. Living simply has enabled me to move more freely into life. For example, I literally walk out of the house with very few things in hand, most frequently just my house key and sweater. I keep my home and possessions organized in a manner that enables me to be free from clutter. I open my mail, purge what I don’t need; pay as I can, and keep good records so I know where I stand. I am lucky as my nature is organized and this in and of itself is a useful trait. Every women’s magazine has article after article, tip after tip on how to organize.  Simplifying includes organizing, minimizing and reducing stuff. Simple living is doing less laundry because you reuse a towel, using less shampoo because you let your hair go a few days between washing, buying less food because you create things out of what’s in the cupboard and fridge. Simple living is not wasting, it is reusing, recycling and reclaiming your life. Simple living is driving less and walking more and finding that you get your exercise in the process. Simple living is awareness and removal to the clutter of the mind, the car, the backpack, the home, the shelves, the drawers, and the excess weight both literally and figuratively that weigh us down. Less is more and simplicity creates abundance in ways beyond what I can describe in words. I will add to Mahatma Gandhi’s quote, "'Live simply so that others can simply live,' and find your life more abundant and peaceful."

Friday, September 6, 2013

Memo 6: Transparency to Transformation

I have always said that what I can distinguish, and or name, I can begin to change. In the context of this conversation on financial awareness, I truly believe that as you become more transparent to your financial situation be it good, bad or status quo, you can begin to transform in to something more, less, better, and or remain aware of your status quo.  As I put energy into transparency in all areas of my life, I am able to transform areas into something different, in this case, financial freedom. In essence, what I am trying to articulate is look at your situation, be transparent to yourself regarding your debt, your spending, your frugality, your hoarding, and or your disinterest in financial information, wherever you are in your financial being. Notice it, be transparent and write it down, name it e.g. indebtedness, poverty, over spending, hoarding, austerity, as you distinguish it in that moment you can begin to transform it.  I myself realized that I am becoming so caught up to the idea and practice of austerity; I am being transparent to an austerity addiction. Naming this addiction to austerity and being transparent to what is, gives me the power to choose to be more generous to others and myself today. What can you name and do today to transform your financial being into financial well being? 

Friday, August 30, 2013

Memo 5: Keeping a log of expenses

One key technique used in financial coaching is to help clients establish a log of expenses and budget. This is easy to talk about and hard to do. Most people will be able to quickly develop the basics expenses: house/rent payments, car payments and utilities, maybe even food. The more obscure expenses such as charitable gifts, lunch monies, clothing, haircuts, education and insurance for car and home are not often registered on a budget. In addition, there are periodic expenses that are not typical to a month, however part of annual cost of living e.g., DMV, tax preparation fees, medical, dental, etc. As a way to begin to track monthly costs, I have suggested keeping a daily log of where you money goes.  It is in principal simple, however, as a day goes on, we may forget and then we lose track of the little incidentals. At the end of the day it usually not the big stuff that eats up our monthly income, it is the nickel and dimes which in 2013 is equivalent to the ten and twenty dollars that causes financial struggles.  What did you spend today? Now write it down and track it for the month. 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Memo 4: Stay the course

On life’s journey, including financial well being, one must stay the course. It is important to acknowledge incremental successes. One recent one shared by my client was that they are eating home more often.  While other parts of their expense reduction have been more difficult to maintain, they are, in fact, eating at home more often. In all matters, focus on the positive; continue to stay the course on working towards the plan, in this case reducing expense in incremental ways.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Memo 3: Conserving is fun.

In keeping with my plan to reduce and reuse, I just turned off lights in my home, including; the front porch light, my husband leaves the house while still dark, bathroom, kitchen, bedroom and night-lights. Amazing how many lights one turns on in the course of a morning. These little steps lead to bigger steps in all ways and especially in learning to conserve. For me it has become a game that is fun and energizing. Each day I seek ways to conserve, including drinking all the water in my glass or watering the plants versus dumping into sink. I will let you know when my utility bill comes what the savings are from this minimal effort. What can you do today to conserve?

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Memo 2: Ugh, you must open your bills and statements.

Financial coaching involves helping people reach goals including such areas as reducing debt, buying a new car/home or paying for children’s education. One of the first and most difficult steps is to open the bills and statements. Avoiding review of bills/statements and discussing your financial situation with your partner/spouse can be difficult, even painful, however, it must be done.   This is true for all of us, even those who don’t struggle to pay bills. We  avoid opening statements as none of us like to see our financial condition changing due to poor market performance or worse over spending, interest and late fees. In moving towards financial wellbeing, one must have starting point and knowing and accepting where you are is the beginning of improving the situation. Start today, open, review and make one payment, and mail it too. 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Memo 1: Recycle, Reuse and Reduce

Recycle, Reuse and Reduce, a mantra I use in financial coaching. As I begin to do volunteer financial coaching, I am finding that it is fun and the whole family can participate. Our current 5 ideas for this week are the basics: take shorter showers, reduce TP use, unplug things not in use, turn off lights and run the cupboards/fridge bare to ensure you are not wasting food. With one family we are one day in and so far so far so good.  In the process of coaching, Joe and I are following in the recycle, reuse and reduce and finding pure energy and fun in the process. What are your ideas for recycle, reuse and reduce? Please share ideas.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Nature'sWord: Hi

Nature'sWord: Hi: Good mourning fellow bloggers

Friday, March 15, 2013

Moving into productivity through meditation.

As an early morning riser, I am usually productive and accomplishing many things including my  unending to do list. This morning, however, my usual self was absent, instead, I felt scattered, disorganized and most of all non productive. I was literally wasting the day, mind you this part of the day is 4:30am to 5:30am. Recognizing this, I knew I needed to meditate, to get back to a calm place of being. I am now emerging from a 30 minute meditation with a sense of calm, insight and methodical sense.  Two key takeaways for me include: 1. the recognition that I was in fact unproductive,  and 2. that I did, actually sit and meditate despite the scattered beginning. Clearly for me, meditation is a gift.  Now a blog is posted, my mind is calm and off for a productive day of loving kindness and compassion.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

The better my attitude the better my day

This mantra, "the better my attitude, the better my day," is the chant my mother has used to inspire her children over the years. It became my daily mantra in 1989 when I was a new sales manager and realized I preferred selling versus managing my sales team. Now 24 years later, I continue to rely and be mindful of this mantra as I seek balance between the pressures of work and other commitments that keep me from the joy of sewing, cooking, and other hobbies. Amazingly enough, even now, in this moment my attitude has improved with these few written words. You know blogging is one of my hobbies too. So here we go, a new day, a new blog and a better attitude. Today will be GREAT. I hope you will embrace a better attitude today and make this world GREAT.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Hmm, an expression said when no other response is necessary or known. Over our Christmas family vacation, my sister, a 5th grade school teacher was lamenting that her children don’t often listen and she repeats information when they give random excuses for not listening the first time. My mother, 88, former school teacher and mother of 9 children and 15 grandchildren, in her wisdom told my sister that perhaps she should just respond by saying “hmm”, next time one of her students did not listen and gives an excuse. Not knowing this story that was told while I was at the store, I would hear my sister and mother respond to certain situations with a sly “hmm”.  After I returned home from Christmas vacation, I asked my beloved mother to share this story of hmm. To me it is so funny I could rotfl, a text abbreviation-meaning roll on the floor laughing. However, upon further reflection, the depth of hmm, articulates in a very specific way for my sister, that she will continue to teach and expect her students to listen going forward. Try it for a little while and watch what happens, all judgment of what might have been said in lieu of hmm goes away. It is actually quite an effective was to respond. Hmm, it is working even now, hmm.  With all the possible New Year’s resolutions, mine will include using hmm in lieu of judgment, frustration or other negative response. Hmm what do you think of that, hmm.