Monday, January 10, 2011


My father often says following a meal and in his own practice of healthy moderation, "I'm sated." This expression resonates with me recently, well at least for these first few days of our new year. I am sated and content. This may not seem like a milestone to some, however, over my lifetime I struggle with wanting more, wanting to be the best sales representative, wanting to be able to do it all. Over the past year I have gone back to a prayerful daily practice and this practice enables me to put things into perspective and to find acceptance of what is. While I have achieved many things, my greatest accomplishment for myself today is to say I'm sated. There is enough in my world. This feeling of contentment has also led to peace and presence. Yesterday I attended my friend's 40th birthday party. I had time to be present to many of our mutual friends and not worrying of rushing to another event but just being there and present. The fruit of this sated feeling is a gift that for today shall sustain me.

1 comment:

Joan T. said...

and I am never sated after our lunchtime conversations!!! Yes for the food though.