Saturday, October 10, 2009

Be gentle with yourself

Be gentle with yourself was wise advice given to me seven years ago from my colleague, David Cohen. In that moment I felt understood and connected with David and I felt forgiven by the universe. I had broken the heart of a man I deeply loved because of the uncertainty of what I wanted in life as it related to marriage and family. Now seven years later, I still cling to those wise words that David spoke whenever I feel overwhelmed by the world's needs let alone my own personal needs. I find that as I am gentle and loving with myself, I move more easily into the world with compassion, kindness and love to others in a more gifted way. This morning as I fold laundry, organize too much paper work and prepare for a day with my friend and her children, I recognize that God is guiding me to be especially gentle today. I listen with open heart and follow.


Anastasia said...

Yes, be gentle.
Thanks for your reflections.

Joan T. said...

David Cohen was my first exposure to PwC at Visa - he was a very nice man. Good advice for me today. I'm always trying to fix, fix, fix and make better and sometimes you just can't, you have to move through the trouble, pain, grief, whatever it is that is affecting you or your loved ones. I have a hard time accepting that. I don't like uncertainty.