Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lifting the Veil

My mind has been working this blog entry for at least a month if not most of my adult life. I have touched upon this concept in many of my blog entries but have not developed the depth as the more I ponder it, the deeper the possibilities. Articulating a clear message and or thought seems impossible even now. "Lifting the veil to reveal the Divine SELF" is my journey.

Lifting my veil is harder for me than peering through others' veils. I find that I enjoy knowing the depth of people and longing to help people lift their own veils to reveal their divine SELF. I know that God exists within all and through all, and as I peer through people's veils I see God in all His and Her suffering and glory.

This concept of lifting the veil is not a new concept. St. Theresa of Avila writes about it in book entitled The Interior Castle. She describes getting to know God as a journey through many mansions. My usual way to describe the veil is like layers of crusts or armor on our bodies created for protection from suffering, from a need to control our surroundings and from our need to protect the heart from pain. As we grow from children, these crusts develop as a defense mechanism from the hurt and pain that is part of life and yet these layers hide the beauty that is SELF.

There is a saint called the hugging Saint. They need only come to tiny Amma — the endearing nickname for Mata Amritanandamayi ("Mother of immortal bliss"). This woman from India, in my view has been able to lift her veil and love and serve humanity. Her ability to "literally" touch and hug people into well being is perhaps possible because her Divine SELF is more manifest than her human self. She has been able to remove the crusts and lift her veil to heal and be present to humanity. In reality because she has freed herself from fear, anxiety and a need for control she is deeply rooted into her own humanness. Her self is one with SELF. Jesus is another example who lived with His veil always lifted, perhaps as He was One in being with God the protective veil never needed to be present nor perhaps created.

On our journey to become one with the will of God there is no longer need for any protective coverings. As we move into fullness of being we are able to live more frequently with our veil lifted. As I lift my veil on those rare and yet magnificent occasions, I have experienced peace, joy, healing and an opening of my heart that desires to bring that peace, joy and healing to others. This blog does not even touch the surface of the depth of this possibility. As I lift my veil, I am awakened and yet I run, I soften and yet I tense, I seek and find in quiet moments until I let the chaos of life lower my veil again and again. I persist even as I run away. Is it I or Thy that is awakened, softened, finding and persisting?


Anastasia said...

Thank you thank you thank you
love you

Joan T. said...

We need more quiet moments don't we to lift the veil. Maybe we need a quiet walk around the labyrinth again soon. I am so glad you understood about Amma. I find it hard to explain to some people in my life.