Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Power of Spirit

In reading the May 16 article by Father Ron Rolheiser, an Oblate father who writes for San Francisco Catholic paper, I am reminded of the power of the spirit. Fr. Rolheiser speaks of God's spirit and the spirit of those we love who pass on and how their presence is more fully felt in a different and deeper way after death. If only we can let go and let the presence of spirit fill us. In my pause of the article I became inspired that there other forms of spirit that generate from people we have met both alive currently and those who have passed into a new life. This is the spirit of love, joy, peace and compassion. We even speak in terms of the spirit of these ways of being. My sister Katie is here visiting from Texas and was not feeling good at all last night. As I prayed to God to help her, my own spirit of service and compassion was stirred as if God was moving me into helping her. My observation is that this spirit, in this case of service and compassion is really truly the visible presence of God's spirit. When we pray and are moved to action, the power of the spirit is alive in us. The power of the spirit is strengthened through action. The gifts of the Holy Spirit as referenced in Isaiah's book include: wisdom, knowledge, counsel, fortitude, understanding, piety and fear of the Lord (also referred to as wonder and awe in God). I would add to these as love, joy, kindness, compassion, service, and peace.
Remember YOU GOT SPIRIT YES YOU DO. Use it and the gates of heaven open on earth.


Anastasia said...

Yes to Spirit...
Spirit leads us to our authentic needs and desires...
ego keeps us focused on the other stuff.
Spirit recognizes our oneness.

Thanks for reflecting.

Gretchen said...

Anastasia, I just see you comment on spirit this morning. A thought came to mind. Some friends wanted tostay at my house this weekend and my own spirit wanted a break and so I said this is not a good weekend. Today as I reflect on my weekend that has passed by spirit is renewed because I listened to it's authentice need for rest. Thank you for reflecting back.:)