Monday, February 21, 2022

My Yardstick for Life

 So many stories about how to live fully and successfully. Often the measurement of successful and full living is based on money in the bank, the neighborhood you live, clothing you wear, who you know, what you have accomplished in your career and other outward signs of financial success. Others have written that being  successful is having happy children, finding calm amidst life's pain and struggle and still others write about success as a measured by enlightenment.  All of these seem  valid ways to measure success.   Beyond these measurements of success, I developed some thoughts around another idea or theme for myself.  My yardstick is one that measures moments of presence. Moments that I am here and now, and in this moment, touching my keyboard, looking at the letters that become words, stopping to breathe and then a blog post.  PS writing this blog about presence takes my mind that is worried about our broader world's turmoil and brings me back to this moment.