Owning your power starts with recognizing your "self talk" and turning it from self deprecation into self appreciation, to charging yourself with positive power. I noticed this morning as I was preparing for the day that I had "gotten up on the wrong side of the bed," and was just mentally bad mouthing myself about nothing of importance and yet something of great importance: my SELF. In an instant I was able to recognize the attitude adjustment I needed or ruin my whole day, losing power to be productive, joyful and peaceful. It worked, in an instant the same mind that was negative and self deprecating became positive and powerful and healing. I am much more alive and productive as my mind assures, confirms, lifts and builds. I am an enlivened being. Mind over matter only works when you recognize what your mind is saying. Being mindful is as important for yourself as for others and in fact maybe more so. Being mindful of your own self talk, and judgement, the more you are able to turn it into power for joy, peace, compassion and kindness for yourself and for others. Own your power, own your mind and find joy.