Owning your power starts with recognizing your "self talk" and turning it from self deprecation into self appreciation, to charging yourself with positive power. I noticed this morning as I was preparing for the day that I had "gotten up on the wrong side of the bed," and was just mentally bad mouthing myself about nothing of importance and yet something of great importance: my SELF. In an instant I was able to recognize the attitude adjustment I needed or ruin my whole day, losing power to be productive, joyful and peaceful. It worked, in an instant the same mind that was negative and self deprecating became positive and powerful and healing. I am much more alive and productive as my mind assures, confirms, lifts and builds. I am an enlivened being. Mind over matter only works when you recognize what your mind is saying. Being mindful is as important for yourself as for others and in fact maybe more so. Being mindful of your own self talk, and judgement, the more you are able to turn it into power for joy, peace, compassion and kindness for yourself and for others. Own your power, own your mind and find joy.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Monday, November 26, 2012
This too shall pass
As I head into a week of many complex meetings and travel, I am reminding myself that "this too shall pass". This quote, often appears in writings of the Persian Sufi poets and was also employed in a speech by Abraham Lincoln. I know now as I experience more of living, that things come and go, stress comes and goes and life must be lived in each moment so that it is full and complete. So while I know "this too shall pass," I look forward to it's passing :) and to the moment of peace. Hmm, I already feel better and more at peace in this moment. Alleluia.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Winding down this thanksgiving weekend I feel reflective and deeply grateful. Joe and I spent thanksgiving with my parents in Arkansas. We also travelled to visit Joe's mother in St. Louis, MO. Time with our parents is healing and life giving. Arkansas and Missouri are beautiful states and have a more peaceful pace. We are home now and just enjoyed some home made turkey soup from leftovers mom and dad sent with us. As I head into a very hectic week, being present to this moment and reflecting on the past few days is calming. For now, I count my blessings, and say thank you.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Aida Romeo
Aida is 85 years old and is a member of our “catholic young
adult” club that started in 1990. Although we are no longer considered "young adults," we have continued to meet for an annual
reunion. Aida joins often and brings a life to the party well below her
years. The more I spend time with Aida the more I experience the real secrets
of a long and happy life. She never says a bad thing about anyone and never
complains about anything. She praises God for all that is and is grateful to be
alive. Aida remembers the time my sister Bridget helped her fix her bed and the
many acts of kindness people have done. Her memory is sharp for good things and
while her walk is slow, she is energized in listening and sharing in conversation.
Every moment is wonderful to be with Aida. She has little money, but enough.
She makes simple meals, prays daily, stays connected with friends and family
and delights in watching mass on TV. Her simple life offers a glimpse of heaven
and yesterday was heaven on earth spending time with Aida.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Vibrations of the music generate joyful energy.
I listen to Renaissance's Northern Lights and I am moved within to be. Be present to this moment and just to be alive. I literally am moving my fingertips on this keyboard streaming consciousness and feeling a lightness and joy. The northern lights are leading me back to write. Good day to all.
Friday, November 9, 2012
I thirst.
The other evening our St. Vincent de Paul Society (SVDP) held a
mass, dinner and reflection time. It was an opportunity to renew our commitment
to service of the poor and to refresh our approach when visiting Christ who is
most visible in the poor. Being typically bogged down with work and other social commitments this brief time
together was very special. The SVDP works as a safety net for people who need emergency food, clothing, rent and other stop gap needs. As president of our local conference, I am responsible in leading our local members, and making home visits to our poor on weekends. We meet with the poor, see how we can help, pray and provide food vouchers for immediate needs. SVDP was started in 1830 by Frederick Ozanam. Lorraine Moriarty, our Director, closed the evening
with a comment that resonated deeply. As Christ said, "I thirst," so do I to serve with a compassionate heart.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Finding inspiration
Finding inspiration in this early morning moment before the
race of my workday begins.
There is a light breeze and it brings coolness to this
morning. Over the past many weeks, the sun has shined brightly. Today a few
days of beautiful gray and rain are expected. I linger in this morning mesmerized
by the gentleness of this day unfolding. Like the breeze that comes and goes
this day, I hope to move into the day’s busyness with lightness and a cool
calm. I will bring that to this day.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
A plea to offer prayer intention for peace to the couple in Pittsburgh
I only saw a brief snippet on yahoo news regarding the tragedy of their child losing his balance and falling into a local zoo's wild African dog exhibit. The child fell when the parent was trying to give him a better view of these most dangerous dogs. I know there is much suffering in the world, struggle in life, loss and other life challenges. This story, however, causes a deep pain for all of us as we know that it could be any one of us that this may have happened. We never understand fully why things happen to some versus others. There are no explanations that can reduce the depth of sorrow, pain and suffering these parents and extended family will endure. However, for today, when you read this, or other heart breaking stories, stop, breathe, and pray that this family will find the peace that their little child now knows in the resting state many call heaven. We are with you in prayer. Allow us to absorb some of you pain so that your pain may be lessened. Together, we walk with you, leading you to peace.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Answers in the silence
My nephew told me he was talking to God on night and that God was not talking back to him. My nephew, soon to be 13, is an old soul, and is moving through the joy and struggle of adolescence. I tried to explain that God whispers to us. I shared that I find answers in quiet and even silence. Truly a difficult concept to share: the divine is within, and nudges us to take one path versus another, sends a dove, deer, puppy, or friend as a reminder of God's presence. I see my nephew as a seeker and I am too naive on my own journey to know the words to guide him. I have found that in my own silence I hear more deeply, I feel more peace and I know God's presence. Even now, as the quiet of morning is only disturbed by the tapping of my fingers on the keyboard, I hear "I love you". I pause as I breathe in that Presence, God holds me, God knows me, God loves me. God, I pray it does not take my nephew 49 years to know that You speaks to us in silence. Yes I hear you, stop tapping and be with Me.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Who sees all being in his own SELF
"Who sees all beings in his own Self and his own Self in all beings, loses all fear". This quote comes from the Isa Upanishad. I continue a periodic meditation and want to do it daily however I allow other distractions to keep me from sitting. This morning, in The Book of Awakening by Mark Nero, a gift from Joan Trabucco, I read the quote above, and the reflection Mark wrote and it resonated with me. Practicing seeing me in everyone helps to take away judgment, enhance compassion and deepen each relationship. I have also been practicing being in the present moment. As my mind wanders to worry about the future, I keep bringing myself back to experience where I am, who I am with and find the beauty of each moment deepening.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
My neighbor Jenny
Jenny is 95 and we see her sweeping her yard, getting her newspaper and taking her recycling and garbage cans to the curb each week. She is vibrant and friendly and knows the history of our neighbors, and our home as she has lived in her home across the street since 1957. She maintains her yard beautifully, and she invited me to see her backyard yesterday. WOW, like the paradise I imagine. She has a green lawn with a bird bath in the middle and surrounding the lawn are big beautiful hedges and trees. She grows beautiful geraniums, most from clippings. Jenny's life is simple and she claims her good health is from taking care of her garden. I believe her and I think this is the best advice for healthy living. She is living proof of her claim. My brief encounters with Jenny are always joyful and filled with a nugget of interesting facts or tips on living. Thank you Jenny.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Letting my compass guide me
Sometimes I am clouded by society's measures of success: having more money, bigger house, exotic travels, younger body and all of the material matters you or I can name. I continue to seek my way out of the clouds through meditation, my yoga practice and returning to my values, most especially faith, family, friends and health. In my practice today, the image of an inner compass guiding me to contentment was present in every breath. When I focus on my breathing and notice the inhalation, the subtle pause and the exhalation, the peace that is within becomes ever present. The idea of following my compass, perhaps a metaphor for following the Holy Spirit dwelling within, in order to balance my life between earth's realities and heaven's graces, I am allowing the compass to create the path of balance. Today, I felt contentment as lightness of being, literally lifting me into heaven while being fully grounded "rooted" to earth.
What earth represents I will describe as my basic needs of food, shelter, meaningful work and what heaven represents I will describe as quiet, peace and contentment. My compass pulls me into a balance between earth's call to focus and work and be productive and heaven's call to live with grace and in peace. Perhaps the enlightenment for today is that bringing the grace and peace to my daily work has created contentment beyond all measure. My compass is guiding me in every moment to grace and contentment
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Meditation for today
It began with forgiveness, gratitude, petition, and became reflection, silence, tears, lightness and healing. This was the order of my meditation this morning. I wish for you today to close your eyes, sit quietly and find the healing of just being in God's presence. Love Gretchen
Friday, March 9, 2012
My Lenten Journey
Aspiring to simplicity as a lifestyle has brought much joy. Lent, a season in the Christian faith marks the 40 days before Easter. The traditional purpose of Lent is the penitential preparation of the believer—through prayer, penance, repentance, almsgiving, and self-denial. This year like many years I'm giving up something and trying to do more for the poor, particularly through my service in St. Vincent de Paul. Also this year I took a broader approach to my overall journey and that is trying to live more simply. For me, this includes walking as often as possible, eating light meals with fresh ingredients, praying as a way of life, and practicing moderation in food, drink, activity, to do lists and other areas that try to lure me into gluttony. I am finding that being this is creating a simplicity that is life giving. I feel more alive every day, my energy has increased exponentially and frustrations dissipate sooner. My Lenten journey of prayer and penance is creating peace, almsgiving is returning gifts of love untold and self denial is bringing joy in abundance. Perhaps I shall continue these 40 days forever.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
I Hold You
This expression, "I hold you", is used frequently by my youngest nephew Nathaniel when he wants to be held. I love it as it really articulates a deeper level of need that exists in the world, a need to be held and comforted. Children, who have not formed the "crusts", as I call the layers of armour built around our body as a protection or defense that is a result of either our upbringing or desire to be politically correct, state exactly what they want and express their inner feelings including asking to be held and or having tantrums. In our own way, when we do not speak from our mind or heart, these "crusts" of supposed protection usually creates a more negative outcome. Specifically, when we hold in our words, thoughts and actions because we think that is what we are suppose to do, in lieu of crying, shouting, sometimes cursing or other expression not expressed, we develop rigidity and worse disease. This morning, as I was meditating, I began to feel the rocking sensation that often occurs during a deep meditation and with clarity in mind I felt a sense of being held by God. I picked up my little cross that I keep near while meditating, held it to my heart, and knew that God was calling me to hold Him. PS I recall often, my mother sitting on my father's lap at the end of a long day and being held by dad. Is there someone you can hold today? I hold you.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Back on Track
My theme this year revolves around keeping resolutions, through periodic fresh starts and clean slates. Each day I reflect on what I want to do and some gets done and some does not. Well here I am, on January 23 and using rain as my excuse, I am not inclined to go out on a walk nor did I walk last week. This morning I shall do a yoga practice including some quiet meditation. I read that meditation may in fact help us stay focus, certainly allows for some quietness in otherwise full days. I am recommitting this morning to at least doing my yoga this morning. Here I go.
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