Sunday, January 20, 2008

Weeding to Heal the Heart

Yesterday I had a need to dig in my garden, to weed, to prune the plants to dig in the soil and to heal my heart. I was sad over many things which I will not mentioned here in my blog. In the weeding of my garden my soul found healing and peace. This morning I ponder how or why this occurs for me. When I am in my garden time passes quickly, my mind is present to the weeds, the dirt, the need for water and clipping and ideas of what to plant. In these thoughts and work in my garden my heart heals. Perhaps it is a reflection of the paradise the garden of eden depicts. The paradise of life in our infancy and youth when the growth occurred with simple needs as food, water, shelter and play. In the simplicity of the physical labor in caring for my garden wisdom and clarity comes. The joy of knowing these little plants no matter how neglected, cold and dreary they look, I know that they come to life fully and more abundantly with just a little care. So today I meet the world with just a little more care and my healed heart becomes healing for those in the garden of daily life.

1 comment:

amymarm said...

I'm wondering if there is forumula to equate gardening to joy becuase there certainly is. We have gardens here in MN in the winter, but the flowers are always YELLOW.
Namaste, Senorita Scratchy.