Thursday, September 10, 2009

Slowing Down

I have made a commitment to slow down and enjoy more of the things I love. This is really an outcome of working too hard, attached to the ego of performance and finding that it really is not worth it. What is worth it to me is smelling roses, the fragrance of dew on an early morning walk, the sounds of birds singing and squirrels tapping on the tree branches as they play, the taste of the first cup of coffee, not gulping but sipping and savoring, calling my nieces and nephews to check in and hear about school, watering my flowers with the watering can, making a lovely meal and most of all just being in each moment without a rush to the next. Slowing down is the best gift.

1 comment:

Joan T. said...

And slowing down helps you notice and hear when someone else might be suffering. Sometimes when I am too busy, moving too fast, I don't pick up on what is going on in someone else's life.